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2024 ACP Election – USDA approved “ACP Election Selection Order “.

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The Administrative Committee for Pistachios is a Federal Marketing Order (7 CFR Part 983) which regulates the handling of pistachios produced in California, Arizona, and New Mexico. The order sets standards for the quality of pistachios produced and handled in these states by establishing a maximum aflatoxin tolerance level and mandatory inspection and certification for domestic shipments of pistachios. Over 99.99% of pistachios produced in the United States are regulated by this order. Currently, there are 23 handlers processing pistachios grown by over 1,000 producers on over 200,000 bearing acres.

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This database contains the archived reports of research funded by the pistachio industry and others from 1980 through 2012. The database was originally constructed by the California Pistachio Commission and is now maintained by the Administrative Committee for Pistachios.

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